
Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Well, life has been super hectic these last few weeks. We had our twins, Joshua and Matthew, on August 29th. Following their birth, I just never stopped bleeding.  I went in to get a Mirena IUD to prevent another pregnancy on Monday, November 7 (we know if I were to get pregnant again, it would likely be multiples. Heck NO!).  Prior to getting an IUD, you have to get a pregnancy test. Imagine my surprise when it came back positive. I was sent to get blood work and my HCG level was 5,000 but progesterone level was 1. They scheduled me for an ultrasound, but the night before the scheduled ultrasound, I started to hemorrhage. I was taken in for an emergency D&C where they sent off the stuff in my uterus for testing.  On Monday, November 14, I found out it was cancer.

I was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer called choriocarcinoma that develops from the placenta and spreads rapidly from the uterus to the lungs, liver, and brain. I was very lucky that we caught my cancer early and it had only spread to 1 spot in my lung.  We are lucky I hemorrhaged. My starting HCG level got up to 84,000 prior starting chemo.

Today, I am sitting in the hospital waiting to start chemotherapy Round TWO!! As my port is accessed and we wait on lab results, my hair is starting to fall out bit by bit. I hope I get to enjoy my cute new cut (thanks to Tiffany Rutledge for my cute new short cut) for at least a week or so before all my hair falls out. 

I will be doing this until March at the earliest. This cancer is super survivable but takes a pretty intense chemotherapy regimen.
I am trying to have a positive attitude. My hashtag for this whole crazy journey is #myplacentatriedtokillme and can be followed on Instagram and Facebook.
Round 2!